Saturday, February 12, 2011

Drill of Math UN SMA 2011 Pack 3 - Mathematics Worksheets

Many people believe that you have to have a knack for math in order to do well in it. However, understanding the basic principles of math does not need any innate talent, or a genius intellect. What
it does need is a change in attitude, and a solid foundation of basic skills on which to build.
Mathematics worksheets can help you provide your preschooler with a solid grounding that will help them conquer math.
Not a big secret to most parents, but sometimes we are unaware of the influence we have on our children. How often have you sat faced with a list of figures - balancing the check book, credit card statement or filling out tax forms - and muttered about how much you hate math, how hard it is, how you just don't have a head for math? You need to stop yourself right now! What you are telling your child is that math is a horrid chore, a difficult task, and one that you either have the talent to do, or you don't. You are making your child anxious about a school subject that they will have to do for many years - and a skill that they will need for the rest of their lives. Secondly, get your child interested in math from an early age. Math does not have to be about columns and columns of figures, and the sooner you can introduce your child to math in a fun way the better. Mathematics worksheets can help you do this, with pages of fun exercises that will teach your child the basic principles they need. This helps you, as you don't have to write out pages of math exercises and try to make them interesting - it also helps your child. A good set of kids math worksheets will present math in an exciting way, incorporating lessons of quantity, counting and writing numbers in a way that children understand and relate to. Mathematics worksheets should use different methods to teach your child the principles of addition and subtraction to make sure they understand the concept, not just learn the answers by rote. A decent set of worksheets will use step-by-step methods to help your child progress from the first steps in number recognition and counting, to more complicated sums and word problems.

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There are many math-based games available in educational toy stores that will help to reinforce the principles your child learns in worksheets. Computer games can help too, but depending on the age of your child, it is best not to encourage too much computer use at an early age. Everyday activities can be turned into math lessons too. A trip to the grocery store can turn into a math lesson if you encourage your child to help you count how many items you are buying, or add up the bottles of milk as you add them to your cart.
Your aim should be to make math fun for your child and help them gain a solid understanding of the basics. Encourage your child to incorporate math into their daily activities, help them do mathematics worksheets, and then use the lessons therein to create fun activities for your child.
The secret to learning math is to have an open mind about it. Just because you hated math doesn't mean your child should, and you will be doing them a disservice if you pass your negative feelings on to them. Make learning math fun, get a comprehensive set of mathematics worksheets to make it exciting and stimulating, and encourage your child's efforts all the way. Every math genius had to start with 1 + 1, just like your child.


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